How Cycling Improves Your Well-Being


We all know that exercise generally improves our health. Understanding the mechanism it does to our body will help us be motivated to exercise and pursue an active lifestyle regularly. After knowing these benefits, ready your best padded, cycling shorts, and helmet because this will certainly motivate you to get on your bicycle!

Improves Brain Function

Our body needs oxygen to do its function optimally. Exercise serves as a fertilizer to our brains. By increasing your heart rate and blood pressure, your heart pumps out more blood into your system, therefore supplying oxygen-rich blood to our brain as well. When you get to your bicycle and pedal, you activate more nerve cells to fire, and as these neurons light up, they increase the production of proteins like brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Also, it produces a compound named noggin promotes the formation of new brain cells. As a result, you significantly increase the production of neurons and the release of neurotransmitters, which, in turn, help in optimal communication and function of brain cells.

Promotes Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, a simple understanding is that you need to burn more calories than you consume. Generally, cycling burns between 400 to 1000 calories an hour, depending on the intensity of your exercise. Of course, the more you burn, the more calories your body needs to refuel. According to cyclists, the more you enjoy your form of exercise, the more you get motivated to do it regularly. It’s as if you are not working out at all.

Improves Your Mood

Based on scientific studies, exercise boosts the production of feel-good hormones: Serotonin and Dopamine. It does not only improve your mood, but it also reduces and anxiety and alleviates depression as well. Moreover, cycling keeps hormones like adrenaline and cortisol balanced, which means you’ll feel less stress.


Builds Muscles

In addition to burning calories, high resistance and intensity exercises build up muscles. In cycling, muscles in glutes, quads, and calves are the most targeted. If you want long, leaner legs, choose the right mode of cycling for you.

Sleep Better

It’s not unusual that people who tire themselves more get to sleep better. But researches have studies to improve this theory. Other links suggested could be the reduction of anxiety brought by cycling, which increases the ability to sleep comfortably. Weight gain has also been linked in sleep apnea and difficulty of sleeping; thus, cycling helps in reducing weight and sleeping better.

Cycling, other than having health benefits, also improves your social skills. Joining a cycling club is an excellent way to expand your social circle. So if you’re feeling a little blue lately, you might want to try cycling and be ready to fall in love with this sport!

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